Junior Hockey Is Back!
Posted by Jack Nisbet on 8 September 2021
2021/22 Season
Welcome back to hockey, finally!
Below is some information regarding the new season.
Please register your child through the March Town Hockey Club website (this takes the place of the previous paper forms) www.marchtownhockeyclub.co.uk/2021_22_member_registration
• Payment options: This season we would appreciate payments made directly to our Bank Account, to save on handling cash and administration. Details as follows:
March Town Hockey Club
Account No: 70615919
Sort Code: 20-97-34
Ref: Your childs surname
Costs for this half of the season (to Christmas) is £36, this is £3 per session x 12 sessions)
• Dates this season: 16th, 23rd, 30th Sept., 7th, 14th, 21st Oct. HALF TERM BREAK – no session,
Resume 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th Nov., 2nd, 9th December (possibly an extra Xmas special on 16th Dec or a week in lieu due to weather cancellations).
• Kit: If you would like to order new kit (this is NOT compulsory, if your child fits into their old kit, wear it!!) the new March Town Kit is on the website. We are going to organise a ‘second hand stall’ in week 2, to bring any kit, thermals, astros, sticks that you can purchase at a reduced cost or donate to the club). We will be selling grey named training hoodies, more details on the additional sheet.
• If you are a new member, please request to join our Facebook page:
‘March Town Junior Hockey Club’. This is a private group, please be mindful of sharing pictures of matches on your personal social media platforms.
• Important: Gum shields must be worn in all training & match situations. By registering your child you are responsible for making sure they wear a gum shield. We have gum shields for sale by the main gate.
• Useful information:
-For younger players, please make sure children have plenty of warm layers during the colder months, plus a drink in a labelled bottle.
- Please also make sure they have visited the toilet before training, the Neale Wade toilet is quite a walk from the pitch and by the time layers are removed half the session is done!
Any general queries, please see Lucy at the start/end of training or email (lucy.norton@me.com)
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please see either Lucy Norton or MTHC safeguarding officer Pippa Williams (snowwhitestar@icloud.com)
If you have any coaching queries, please see our head coach Jody Betts or contact him (jodybetts@hotmail.com)